I spend considerable time dreaming up photographic scenarios in the wild and how I might have a chance of making them come to life. These ideas are followed by in-depth research of various locations across East Africa to pinpoint places where I could have a chance with a bit of luck.
This photograph, however, was not one of those moments. I have never even dreamt of anything like this. It’s a moment I thought impossible to capture with a wild leopard. But right at this second, years of searching for unique moments in the wild came together into one unforgettable experience. I couldn’t have been in a better place at a better time.
The previous afternoon, I had been at the exact location with a young male leopard hiding high up in the canopy with a bushbuck kill. The following morning, we were in the same area and could see the tree in the distance. My guide asked, shall we go back and see if that leopard is still there? There hadn’t been a photographic opportunity the day before, but I felt it would be crazy not to revisit and see if the leopard was still there, perhaps in a better part of the tree.
To our surprise, we found this large male sleeping on a low-level branch, and the bushbuck carcass was now in a different part of the tree. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what had happened during the night, we heard movement high up in the canopy, which to our astonishment, turned out to be the young male leopard moving towards the kill. It was obvious that this large male had stolen the kill for himself. With the movement high up in the canopy, the large male woke immediately and gave a warning growl. Within seconds, he stood up and walked to the bottom crook of the tree. I suddenly realised what might be about to happen and rapidly adjusted my camera settings. In a flash, the leopard leapt across to another branch and went to guard his stolen food.
I really couldn’t believe what had just happened so quickly right in front of me. I scrambled anxiously to check if I had managed to capture the moment in focus. To my relief, it was sharp. There have been few drives back to camp that I have enjoyed as much as this one. I had a smile from ear to ear, eager to view the photograph on my computer.
Unframed Sizes:
Small -18"x34.40" Edition of 8. (Archival Pigment Print)
Medium - 28"x53.51" Edition of 8. (Archival Pigment Print)
Classic - 38"x72.63" Edition of 6. (Silver Gelatin Print)
Large - 45"x86.01" Edition of 6. (Silver Gelatin Print)
Platinum Palladium print available in a custom size up to 40"x60" as an edition of 1.
The Jump

Small -18"x26.61" Edition of 8. (Archival Pigment Print)
Medium - 28"x41.39" Edition of 8. (Archival Pigment Print)
Classic - 38"x56.17" Edition of 6. (Silver Gelatin Print)
Large - 45"x70.96" Edition of 6. (Silver Gelatin Print)
Platinum Palladium print available in a custom size up to 40"x60" as an edition of 1.