Watching a leopard lying graciously in a tree with its legs dangling from a branch has been a moment I have always been eager to witness since my very first visit to Kenya. On that first visit, I spent a few nights in the Maasai Mara, and we did not have a sighting of a leopard, but what my guide said to me certainly had a profound effect. He told me that those who do not see a leopard on their first trip are destined to return. It couldn’t have been more accurate as I returned at the very next opportunity, and now a few years later, I am writing this from my home in Kenya.
The leopard is one of the most elusive cats on the continent, and they say you should never look for one because you only find one when they want you to. This is the magic of spending time in the bush. My trips are often solely focused on one species or even one particular individual animal, but a leopard is a special animal to photograph because they are rarely seen. Every time I have seen one, I have stumbled across it unexpectedly, making every moment one to cherish.
Unframed Sizes:
Small - 18"x24.56" Edition of 15. (Archival Pigment Print)
Classic - 30"x40.93" Edition of 10. (Silver Gelatin Print)
Large - 40"x54.57" Edition of 6. (Silver Gelatin Print)